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Thanks for being here with me!

First of all I want to introduce some very important principles.

An all-encompassing study on marketing management, in addition to its classic paradigms, will have to refer to environmental sustainability, and also to the law.

Let's leave aside the environmental discussion for the moment.

A general discussion on Marketing Management requires any entrepreneur to adopt solutions that are also respectful of the laws of the Italian State and the European Community.

In fact, only by respecting the law will you be able to claim to have adopted cutting-edge marketing solutions.

Entering another set of legal issues, it seems that, in a country like Italy, the law represents a voice that can be considered quite influential on your personal and economic affairs.

Let's look at some concrete examples.

In fact, it is rather easy to be investigated, even if innocent, because the judiciary has acquired very significant power, but which does not belong to it, until legislative measures are finally taken, which will certainly be considered as detrimental to autonomy and independence of judges by the executive power.

The usual colossal lie to enjoy a power conferred extra ordinem, and which goes beyond the Constitution.

If we delve even further into the concrete, we find, for example, that if an honest entrepreneur is subjected to criminal proceedings, lasting a certain period of time, if he does not act promptly from a marketing perspective, and if he is also acquitted, in addition to suffering all the negative consequences of the case, in terms of concrete damages, you will be told that, if you have not spent any days in prison, you will not be entitled to any compensation for damages.

Here the marketing function emerges even more forcefully than ever, which can no longer be understood only as having the aim of distributing and exchanging goods, but, always as a function of one's business, must have another purpose.

That is, it must have the aim of structuring and spreading its brand, trying to plan the necessary amortization in the event of the occurrence of nefarious events, such as a criminal trial, even if its actions have always been extremely correct, ethically and above all legally.

From this perspective, marketing can be an important support in your campaigns to reassure your contacts and customers about the company's solidity due to linear and irreproachable behavior.

And to offer further guarantees to its customers, employees and suppliers, it will certainly also be necessary to take out insurance against risks, and that is not only those deriving from a temporary exposure of one's assets to creditors, but also those deriving from the possibility of a criminal trial against him, regardless.

Certainly one's expenses may even double, but in a world like the current one, it appears increasingly clear that some budget items will have to be expressly dedicated to the possible payment of lawyers, insurance, the possible loss, even if temporary, and to any commercial campaigns to regain customer trust.

However, history tells us something completely different, and there are very few entrepreneurs who manage to react to the brutalities committed by public prosecutors, through the support given by marketing.

Nor is it possible to configure an objective responsibility of the State and a subjective responsibility of the person, i.e. the investigating magistrate, who has made mistakes towards innocent people, with the necessary support of the judging magistrate.
However, since it is now well established that the responsibilities of investigating magistrates go hand in hand with those of judges, the prospect of a separation of their careers will certainly be a harbinger of a renewed relationship of trust between the common citizen and the judiciary in the as a whole, because this separation will finally determine the end of the connivances, not only at a local level, but also at a national level, between the two orders, which will no longer be stimulated to organize themselves into larger unions like the current all-encompassing ANM.

This blog therefore presents some facets that speak of my tragic experience in the world of law and my positive reaction thanks to the world of marketing, after a series of long-standing traumatic ordeals that took a toll on my psycho-physical and economic health.

You will be able to examine in the content of the blog all the various phases that led me from military service in the Carabinieri, to a degree in Law, and from forensic practice to the judiciary competition, and then finishing it all in a bubble and after about 30 years old, here I am re-emerging thanks to marketing in a more than positive way.

Follow this link to learn more about the procedural events that affected my father directly, and also my mother and me indirectly ====>

Follow this link to identify the system with which I intend to give concrete psychological and economic help to those who have undergone an unjustified trial, from which they were found innocent (and who have not undergone any preventive detention or sentence or even house arrest, but who has in any case suffered economic, psychological, emotional and moral damage) ====>

Follow this link to understand the current situation in the judiciary and how the reform of the criminal trial will change the relationships between judging and investigating magistrates (finally achieving that much desired third party status of the judging magistrate, with respect to the parties in question, and that is the defender of the defendant and public prosecutor) ====>

And it is thanks to this renewed relationship with the law, mediated by Marketing Management, and the commitment to its study, that of Italian, English and Information Technology, that I have forced myself to do consultancy and/or teaching subjects, which seem very heterogeneous between them, but which are instead linked by an extremely logical thread.

I can believe that, after having endured many difficulties in the world of work, having faced the most humble and mortifying jobs, in this different colorful world of marketing there are many possibilities to make it, using one entrepreneurial earning system rather than another.

I can affirm, thanks to direct personal experiences and those of others, that there is no precise rule, and it always depends on the contingent situation, so that one system cannot be said to be better than another.

Starting from a situation in which you have no savings to invest, as long as you have time to use, or, if instead you already have a job, but can't make it to the end of the month, then the best system to have more immediate and that of selling other people's products, as happens in Network Marketing, which I will explain briefly shortly.

Of course, if you sell your own products, the saying that if you do it yourself is worth three is much more valid!

But this is also true because you will have been good at selling the product that is perceived first by your target, namely yourself.

However, the concept is also very accurate, according to which to sell someone else's product, just as happens in Network Marketing, you must first sell yourself.

To better explain these concepts, first of all, the best system for selling yourself, using other people's products, even if you operate online, is not that of affiliation, and whether you operate online or offline, it is not even that of representation, which could be, for example, that exercised as a commercial agent, all activities which have become very costly in terms of time and money, in relation however to the importance and needs the product you are selling.

In such a situation, the best system for selling other people's products is direct sales, based on Network Marketing.

This way of operating allows you to create your own commercial company, without the need to invest significant sums of money in assets including company, location, headquarters, and production tools, nor will you have to hire any employees, so you will not have to depend on customers, suppliers and employees, but you will be completely and totally autonomous, and you will only have the task, from which you will have an assured economic return, of instructing your current collaborators in the sales, research and training of new collaborators, to whom you has previously sold someone else's product, and they later realized its validity.

The important thing, as we will see better in the blog, is to find the right company that is consistent with the principles of network marketing, and that is not focused on continuous sales to the downline, as normally happens in classic companies based on common multilevel marketing.

Although ethical and legal, according to the parameters of Avedisco, a legality and ethics certification company, many of the network marketing companies registered with it are organized more according to multilevel marketing than on network marketing itself, in many countries of the world, are rightly considered illegal.

It is therefore hoped that Avedisco itself will proceed in this sense to exclude these companies from its members, for illegal behavior, which often aims to create profit by circumventing the law itself.

However, if you do not have large capital to invest and instead manage to identify your own product, which belongs to your personal knowledge and competence, or even to the competence of others, but who do not have your skills as an internet marketer, the best system for selling if themselves and the cultural background, yours and/or others, is that of Info Marketing, or sale of information, in relation to the knowledge of everything you have learned in your life, or from someone else, and which is particularly relief, according to your/others' inclinations and your/others' passions.

In fact, even in this case your investments will tend to zero, and you will necessarily have to invest, as in any other activity, with or without economic investments, only in your time.

Info Marketing is a system that can take the form of contents aggregated and grouped in e-books, or electronic books, capable of being sold online, or it can consist of educational lessons given in person, i.e. live, or through telematic tools based on direct and mutual connection software between PC and/or mobile, between you and your interlocutor, recipient of your teachings.

So in this blog I offer you the following main links to give you information on the correctness of my behavior and the efficiency of the usability of the blog and the completeness of my contents:

Follow this link to view all the blog pages with your mobile phone ====>

Follow this link to find out who I am! ====>

Follow this link to find my mission! ====>

Follow this link to view all subjects, for which I provide live lessons and courses consisting of e-books ====>

Follow this link to take a look at my basic training courses ====>

Follow this link to check out my advanced training courses ====>

Follow this link to learn more about how we defend the privacy of visitors, list subscribers and customers! ====>

Follow this link to reach my page on free services, terms and conditions, as well as to examine my editorial line! ====>

In this blog I don't sell anything, but I offer you many free teachings that others sell for their weight in gold.

But you're probably wondering why I do this.

Simple, I want you to know a little about who I am, and then take advantage of the little that I offer you (and which is not a little, ;-) and then decide to ask me to be your consultant or teacher for your specific problems in English, Italian, Marketing, IT and Law.

But later you may consider my information useful not only for your knowledge, but also for generating new income from your own independent, collaborative economic activity, such as in network marketing, and then you will want to know more than you already have described, and I will help you without asking you for anything in return, as my economic return can be generated automatically, like a passive income, from your activity, to which I will lead you by taking you by the hand.

To support your independent business activity, carried out according to the network marketing system, I offer you a series of free courses that describe marketing disciplines that integrate network marketing itself or can be independent of it, because forms or channels of communication which are useful for creating other types of business systems.

In fact, Network Marketing or Info Marketing represent only some viable business models, while the general panorama of economic activities offers many others.

You could very well, if you have the possibilities, invest in the classic traditional production and/or trade company, making use of all the techniques that you will find in this blog or all the "tout court" marketing techniques that I will introduce to you and which are part of marketing.

I am speaking to you in this specific marketing situation, as a system that ignores direct sales, representation, telemarketing and instead has over decades, or in a few years, created marketing campaigns based on an efficient business model that makes a brand perceived as high value, such as, for example, the Ferrari car brand, or the success achieved in the tourism sector by the Puglia Region, just to mention a phenomenon that has characterized less time in the last decade, in relation to a public body, correlated with hundreds of private companies.

Therefore, going into the merits of the various communication channels that are added to the normal marketing strategies, you will also have at your disposal, in parallel with the course on network marketing and that on info marketing, subjects such as e-mail marketing, telemarketing, follow-up marketing, online and offline, and persuasive writing, strategies for using the best colors to make a site attractive, and all those that are part of neuro linguistic programming, all disciplines that constitute a set of very useful and indispensable information to be able to spread and keep your brand alive in the minds of your target and sell.

Follow these links for information on the various courses useful for learning how to tackle your online contact campaigns.

- advanced course on e-mail marketing, useful for knowing the fundamentals of e-mail marketing ====>

- basic course on online follow-up marketing, concerning the topic of follow-up carried out with e-mail messages ====>

- advanced course on online marketing follow-up, useful for knowing how to manage the sending of sequential or subsequent messages, as part of a newsletter or a follow-up of commercial sales messages tout court ====>

- advanced course on telemarketing, i.e. the system for managing appointments to be made by telephone with your target ====>

- advanced course on network marketing, i.e. how to concretely operate in finding your customers and converting them into collaborators ====>

- advanced course on persuasive writing, useful for writing convincing online texts and email messages ====>

- advanced course on Info Marketing, to sell your information, related to your passions and natural inclinations ====>

- basic course on video creation, useful for setting up your videos to be included in Youtube, Tik Tok and Instagram ====> (under preparation)

- basic course on messaging contents to be used in chats, videos and emails to convince your target ====> (under preparation)

- advanced course on colors that make a blog site attractive ====>

- advanced course on neuro-linguistic programming techniques ====>

And as regards consultancy, courses and lessons in person or online:

- Marketing for companies, high schools and university students

- English for middle and high school students

- Italian for all students

- IT for middle and high schools, or as consultancy for creating an online company

- Law for high school and university students

In particular, I also consider the creation of videos to be sent to YouTube, Tik Tok and Instagram to be quite important and vital for advertising courses and educational lessons and from there to Facebook.