


My mission in this blog is to delve into everything that is part of marketing management, therefore starting from what is meant by marketing in the strict sense, up to incorporating all the marketing channels that a single individual or company company must use to be able to make themselves known and distribute their products.

Here, going into more detail, are the subjects that are the subject of my mission.
With reference to my advanced courses, this mission has as its object consultancy both in online and offline activities.

From an online point of view, it uses the strategies of social media marketing, blog marketing, e-mail marketing, persuasive writing, the choice of attractive colors for a blog site, and online follow-up marketing.

From an offline point of view, it uses the most empathetic forms of communication, deriving from the in-depth study of neuro-linguistic programming, network marketing and telemarketing, all these subjects being inextricably connected to each other.

Furthermore, there are many articles that have as their object the advanced course on online follow-up marketing, precisely to give an overview of the complexity of follow-up procedures within a global web marketing and e-mail marketing strategy.

Then there are some basic training courses which are applications reduced in quantity and difficulty and have an introductory purpose to the advanced courses.

Furthermore, we have another aspect of my mission which is that of teaching subjects such as English, Italian, Marketing, IT and Law, because they represent the cultural bases for being able to delve deeper into all the topics of referred to the basic training courses and the advanced courses mentioned above.

Finally, part of my mission is also the formation of a popular conscience which on the one hand spreads marketing as self-defense and on the other puts an end to the dictatorship of the investigating magistrates.

In fact, because it is quite evident that this category does not fit into a harmonious set of laws that constitute tangible proof of the needs of freedom and democracy, which are the basis of a state like the Italian one.

In this sense, the rules that govern the investigating judiciary may give rise to doubts of constitutional legitimacy, in light of the facts that have resulted in the ruin of families involved in trials, in which their relative was found innocent after years of useless persecutions.

And all this happened without being able to have an objective responsibility of the State and/or subjective responsibility of the magistrate who made the mistake, who should be equated with any operator, such as engineers, doctors, professors, lawyers, accountants, and professionals in general, who are criminally and civilly liable for damage caused to unsuspecting citizens through no fault of their own.

In the same vein, a series of articles will be introduced that have to do with the politicization of the Italian judiciary and the need for the separation of careers between judging and investigating magistrates, as well as how, in general, the same topic has been addressed by legislation of the most modern countries.

Finally, my mission will have as its object the creation of an association, the Future Justice Association, which deals precisely with giving psychological and economic support, as far as possible, to those who have been victims of the arrogance of the public prosecutors, due to the irregularity of their systems, which very soon the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio will put a definitive stop to, starting from the separation of careers, just mentioned.

This association will be linked to a foundation, the Fondazione Giustizia Futura, with the aim of raising funds to support victims of Italian justice.